The Woke, Joke Brigade in Twitter Don’t Care if They Send It Broke As “Communists” Only Care for Other Peoples Money Anyhow – Elon Why Don’t You Save $45 Billion and for $45 Million You Can Have a Significant Stake in the

The Woke, Joke Brigade in Twitter Don’t Care if They Send It Broke As “Communists” Only Care for Other Peoples Money Anyhow – Elon Why Don’t You Save $45 Billion and for $45 Million You Can Have a Significant Stake in the

By Jamie McIntyre

The woke, joke brigade in Twitter don’t care if they send it broke as “ communists “ only care for other peoples money anyhow – Elon why don’t you save $45 billion and for $45 million you can have a significant stake in the and build TruthTweet and replicate all the biggest social media platforms such as to replace Facebook, to replace YouTube, to replace Google and Duck Duck Gone, TruthInsta to replace Instagram, TruthTok soft launching next week to replace Tik Tok , TruthGram launching next week to replace Telegram and TruthChat to replace Messenger .

Here’s what others had to say:

Rand McMaster
What about Instagram?