Official US Government Data Shows that there is no Doubt Whatsoever that the COVID Vaccines Cause Guillain-Barre, Bell’s Palsy, and Other Serious Side Effects
The National Academies (NASEM) report is WRONG. Ten of 11 peer reviewed studies they relied upon were wrong. This is a stunning demonstration of how unreliable today’s scientific studies are.
Joel Embiid is right: everything happens for a reason, including Bell’s palsy. In this article, I’ll present the data. You decide.
Executive summary
The medical community, including NASEM (the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine) have determined that the COVID vaccines do NOT cause GBS, Bell’s palsy (and hundreds of other side effects).
In this article, I will show you official government data that simply cannot be explained if that is true.
This new evidence, most of which has been available in plain sight for years, will blow your mind. It has never been shown publicly before, as far as I know, even though it is in plain sight.
The bottom line is that for some reason, nearly all the scientific studies that investigate harms from the COVID vaccine never seem to be able to find any safety signals even when those signals are undeniable.
This means we should never rely on any scientific studies about the safety of the COVID vaccines until these fundamental flaws are discovered, acknowledged, and fixed.
The official US government evidence in plain sight is undeniable
If the COVID vaccines are so safe, why are the rates of adverse event reports for many conditions nearly solely associated with one vaccine: the COVID vaccine?
The charts below are the VAERS data for over 30 years of every vaccine type.
The numbers are not higher for the COVID vaccines because of the number of doses delivered. There have been far more flu vaccines delivered than COVID vaccines since it’s an annual shot.
About 150M flu shots are given every year vs. 680M COVID shots delivered. So in the past 30 years, that’s 4.5B shots. So there should be 6X as many events for any background disease tallied against the flu shots than the COVID shots.
And nearly everyone gets all the childhood vaccines. For some vaccines it’s 4 or 5 doses. So it’s roughly 4*340M = 1.3B shots for each of the vaccines with 4 doses.
If the COVID vaccine isn’t causing these conditions, then
- Why are these conditions repeatedly arising after the shots are given?
- Why are the rates dependent on which vaccine was administered? If the cause is background, vaccine types given to people during the same time periods (such as the childhood vaccines) should have a similar safety profile.
- Why is the COVID vaccine the “market leader”? For GBS, 42% of all cases were associated with the COVID vaccine. For Bell’s palsy, 98% of all cases in the history of VAERS were associated with the COVID vaccines. If vaccines aren’t causing this, how do we explain the differential here?
- Why, when we look at the “gold standard” Medicare data, does the rate of Bell’s palsy monotonically decline after a shot is given? Why isn’t it flat?? The only possible way it can monotonically decline is if the shots increased the risk of Bell’s palsy. If there is another explanation, I’m all ears!
GBS: 42% of all cases were associated with the COVID vaccine
There was no other vaccine with more GBS cases, including the flu vaccine. Yet, it is recognized that the flu vaccine CAUSES GBS (more on that below). And 6X more flu shots have been given than COVID shots.
So how can the COVID event count be greater than the flu number? Can someone explain that one for me? Please???

98% of the Bell’s palsy cases in VAERS are associated with the COVID vaccines
If nothing vaccine specific is going on, and this is all just normal background, we’d expect the rates of Bell’s palsy to be comparable to the Guillain-Barre numbers at 42% of all total reports.
But nope, the numbers are strikingly different!
And the numbers are huge so this is not just statistical noise. It’s a huge signal.
If the COVID shots aren’t causing Bell’s palsy (BP), then why are 98% of all BP cases in the 30 year history of VAERS associated with the COVID shots?
I know there must be an explanation because our top scientists tell us definitively the shots aren’t causing this. Got it. So how do you explain this??? I really want to know.

100% of the aortic aneurysm cases …
Why is it even higher for an aortic aneurysm? 100% of the VAERS cases in the 30 year history are from ONE vaccine type: COVID. Explain that for me.
Remember: the CDC says this is NOT caused by the shots.
OK… if it isn’t caused by the shots, HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS??

100% of the atrial fibrillation cases…
Same deal with afib. Afib happens right after people get these shots. If these are just coincidences, why are they ONLY happening after the COVID shots? The numbers are non-trivial: over 10,000 case reports which translates into around 1M actual cases (since VAERS is underreported by a factor of 40 or more).

100% of the deep vein thrombosis (DVT) cases
Are you getting the idea? 100% of the DVT cases reported in the history of VAERS are associated with the COVID vaccine. That’s stunning.

100% of the stoke cases
You can’t make this stuff up. Anyone can verify this. I don’t want to spread misinformation. I’ve been pleading for an explanation, but nobody will talk to me about it.

96% of the dementia cases
It’s not as bad for dementia. Only 96% of all cases.

96% of the tinnitus cases
The numbers here are huge. 29,000 translates into around 2M actual victims of tinnitus.

Only 38% of the shingles cases are caused by the COVID vaccine
This is one of the few cases I’m aware of where another vaccine has beat out the COVID vaccine for the #1 spot.
In this case, the shingles vaccine is causing more shingles than the COVID vaccine! How do they explain that?

83% of the cardiac arrest cases
Cardiac arrest is an “electrical” problem. The COVID vaccines account for 83% of all cases in VAERS.

100% of the CJD cases
This one disease alone should stop the shots, even with just 97 cases. Let’s multiply by 50 just to be super conservative (this is the under reporting factor). So 5,000 cases of CJD is basically 5,000 people killed by the COVID shots. A safe vaccine isn’t supposed to kill more than a few hundred.

96% of the heart attacks
Heart attacks are a plumbing problem. Clotting causes this. Way higher percentage for the COVID vaccines here since the COVID vaccines are well known to cause clotting. The CDC will never acknowledge that. IT IS SO OBVIOUS. Look at the graph.

98% of the myocarditis cases
This is a positive control since we know the COVID vaccines cause myocarditis. This shows the VAERS data isn’t random.

85% of all bleeding in the brain cases are from the COVID shots
Rates for the COVID shots are 10X higher than any other vaccine, even though other vaccines have been given to more people. It’s 13.5x higher than the flu vaccines which have been given to 6X more people, so we’re looking at a rate that is close to 100X higher than the flu vaccine. Why would this depend on which shots were given?

The average age of death was 3.2 years younger than expected
So once again, the data in VAERS is consistent with our hypothesis. And inconsistent with the claim that this is just reporting background deaths. If it was just background deaths, the average age would be what we expect to see.
And more…
I wasn’t aiming to be exhaustive here, only to point out that this vaccine is extraordinarily dangerous and I hope I made the point. How many examples do you need?
One reader just commented: “Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). I happened to do a similar analysis on it 6 days ago. 67 out of the 70 reports in VAERS were all related to the elephant in the room. See my FB post…”
Weird how there is a sudden jump in the number of reports. How do they explain that and what data do they present to justify their arguments?

How will they EVER explain this?
Was there a massive advertising campaign I missed telling everyone to report their side effects to VAERS? Most doctors I know were too busy with issues to make VAERS reports. How did everyone (including the public) know to make VAERS reports right after the COVID shots rolled out?? Were the VAERS reports false and misleading? If so, where is the evidence for that??? And what was their motivation in filing false VAERS reports that could put them up in jail? I’m sure there is a good explanation for this, but nobody is willing to share it with me.

65% of all VAERS cases are from the COVID shots
The chart below shows that the COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines of all time.
Far more flu shots have been given over 30 years than COVID shots. But look at the numbers.
It’s not even a close call. If you were to stop just one vaccine on this list, which vaccine would it be?? If you think it is some other vaccine, then you can get a job at the CDC!!

Negative control: metal poisoning: less than 4% of the total cases!
The COVID vaccine is not likely to cause metal poisoning. If all vaccines are safe, then the rates of this symptom should be proportional to the total number of reports for each vaccine. IT IS NOT. THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. It means that they’ve been lying to us about how safe the vaccines are.

Measles is another negative control: just 14% of the reports in VAERS are from the COVID shots
Choosing another virus as a negative control is a pretty good choice. And as you can see, the COVID vaccine doesn’t cause measles (but it may make you more susceptible to getting any virus).

MAJOR CAVEATS in interpreting the VAERS data
If you do a search on ankle fracture, you’ll find most of the reports are associated with the COVID vaccine. Why is that?
Unlike the other conditions listed here, there is no mechanism of action for a DIRECT EFFECT. When you read the reports, you find that people who got the COVID shot fainted and fell leading to the ankle fracture.
Also, because 65% of all reports are from the COVID vaccines (because they are so dangerous), a lot of symptoms that are pure background will get swept along for the ride and reported proportional to the number of COVID reports. That’s why I highlighted symptoms where >65% of all reports are from the COVID vaccine.
Also, suppose people with diabetes are 100X more likely to be injured by the COVID vaccines. Then it will look like the COVID vaccines cause diabetes, but that may not be true. Correlation isn’t causation.
To have causation, we must satisfy the 5 Bradford Hill criteria.
For the conditions I listed above where nearly all the cases are associated with the COVID shots, this is true because these conditions which were not present before the shots repeatedly arose shortly after the shots were given. That’s the gist of the causality test.
Here’s another good indicator that we aren’t being fooled by the VAERS data. I did a query on all possible “congenital ….” conditions: Congenital abdominal hernia or Congenital absence of bile ducts or Congenital absence of cranial vault or Congenital adrenal gland hypoplasia or Congenital amputation or Congenital anomaly or Congenital aortic anomaly or Congenital aortic stenosis or Congenital aortic valve incompetence or Congenital aplastic anaemia or Congenital arterial malformation or Congenital aural fistula or Congenital bladder anomaly or Congenital brain damage or Congenital cardiovascular anomaly or [lots more omitted] …. Congenital umbilical hernia or Congenital ureterocele or Congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction or Congenital ureterovesical junction anomaly or Congenital uterine anomaly or Congenital vesicoureteric reflux.
The result was this graph showing only 32% of the VAERS reports were associated with the COVID vaccine. So this is a good way to estimate the “background noise” profile of the reports. When we see deviations from the “background,” that’s when we should pay very serious attention.
So we can use the congenital reports as a crude way to normalize the numbers we observe relative to the total number of reports of other vaccine types.

Autism is another negative control: just 1% of the VAERS cases associated with the COVID vaccines!!
The COVID shots are associated with 1% of all autism cases reported in VAERS.
The flu vaccine was associated with just 3% of all autism cases reported in VAERS.
How the heck is that possible??
There are way more flu vaccines given to kids than the 2 MMR shots. And the flu shots are given at the same ages in life as the MMR shots. So if the vaccine type doesn’t matter, we should be seeing way more autism from the flu vaccine than the MMR vaccine. But we don’t. So vaccine type matters which means vaccines cause autism. THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION.
Yet, according to “science,” vaccines don’t cause autism.
OK, so if there is no causal relationship, how do we explain the disparity?
Science doesn’t allow you to ignore data you don’t like that doesn’t fit your hypothesis. A lot of “scientists” don’t realize that. You HAVE to be able to explain ALL the data, not just the data you don’t like.
Dismissing the VAERS data with a “hand-waving argument” that it is unreliable is completely unacceptable. IT IS THE OFFICIAL VACCINE SAFETY REPORTING SYSTEM OF THE US GOVERNMENT and most of the reports are submitted by healthcare professionals. If you are dismissing the VAERS data, you are not a scientist. You are a narrative pusher who discards data inconsistent with your hypothesis, just like Ancel Keys did (and fooled the scientific community for decades).

Anecdotes also confirm what we see in VAERS. Are you surprised?
The reliability of the VAERS data is supported by observations by doctors.
Washington dentist Brady Smith had just 2 patients in his entire 15-year career with BP and both of them got BP within hours after their COVID shot?
If this was a random occurrence, the chance of that happening is less than 1 in a billion. So it seems unlikely this happened by chance.
Even if I interviewed every person in the US, it’s unlikely I would have been able to find an anecdote like that if the vaccines were safe.
This happened. It’s verifiable. How does “science” explain that?
Also, if there is evidence showing that the rates of these events are uniformly distributed in time after the shot (which they should be if the vaccines aren’t causing them), then where is it and why is nobody showing it? Nobody does the plots of rates over time; they always just pick a fixed time period and do an IRR (incidence rate ratio) calculation. And, more importantly, why doesn’t anyone want to gather such data and publicly release it like I did here. After the NASEM report came out, I did a survey as a sanity check on their results and found that the reality didn’t match the rhetoric; not even close. Couldn’t find anyone willing to replicate my results. They don’t want to look. If I’m wrong, SHOW ME THE RIGHT ANSWER. Instead, I’m told I’m wrong based on what to them is a flawed methodology. I’m always open to seeing more accurate numbers, and it’s frustrating because everyone is hiding the “real” numbers from me (and they won’t tell me what they are!).
I personally know a very prominent doctor at UCSF who got afib immediately after his COVID shot, had it repaired, then got another COVID shot and got afib again right after the second shot. His young healthy son also died shortly after the shots. Today, he firmly believes the COVID shots caused his afib and his son’s death. Will he speak out and let others no? No chance. He is too embarrassed to admit he was wrong.
There are thousands of stories like these that are impossible to explain away. Here are 738 stories you can read for yourself for people injured with COVID side effects that the NASEM says either are “inconclusive” or “does not cause.”
The “gold-standard” US Medicare data also shows a temporal association with the shot!
If the shots don’t cause Bell’s palsy, then the rates of Bell’s palsy relative to the date of a COVID shot should be completely flat because Bell’s palsy is not seasonal.
Does this graph look flat to you?

It doesn’t look flat to me, but heck, I’m just a dumb engineer with a couple of science degrees from MIT. MIT subsequently has labeled me a “misinformation superspreader.” Thanks to MIT, when you type in “misinformation superspreader” into Google, I’m the top hit. It’s nice to be finally internationally recognized for my work on challenging government narratives which now comprises almost 1,500 articles on Substack.
Have you seen the plot above before?
Of course not!!!
This data, which was given to me by a whistleblower who works at HHS, is always kept hidden by the government. ALWAYS.
If the vaccines are so safe, why do they have to hide this data? Why doesn’t the CDC invite people like me to query the data in Medicare, Medicaid, VSD, etc. anytime we want?
The answer is easy: it would destroy all confidence in the medical community.
If you think my chart is wrong, then why hasn’t anyone published the “correct” chart showing that the Medicare data shows the rates of Bell’s palsy after the shot is a flat line?
So you can see why it’s important to keep that data hidden. You don’t really want to know the truth, do you?
GBS is a “table injury” for the flu vax. This means that the US government concedes that the flu vax causes GBS. But the COVID vax is MUCH worse, yet there is no causal relationship according to the CDC and NASEM.
The US government officially admits that the flu vaccine causes GBS. It’s right there in the VICP table. A “table injury” means if you got the side effect in the listed window, you get compensation.
They only do that when there is proven causality.

The VAERS data confirms the VICP decision to include this in the table, but it shows that the effect is even larger for the COVID vaccine as shown in the chart above.
Yet, the CDC and even the NASEM tell us that the COVID vaccines do not cause GBS.
Either they do or they don’t. It’s important to resolve that. But we aren’t allowed to engage with them to have a discussion.
Were all these injuries worth the benefit?
There is no benefit as was accidentally shown in a paper published in JAMA. Along with Paul Marik, I’ve written a letter to the editor and submitted it to JAMA. I’m sure they will reject it because it wasn’t timely. That’s the way science works. If you don’t dispute it in time, you’re out of luck.
In that paper, they looked at the vaccine profile of people hospitalized for the flu vs. COVID. The numbers for each vaccine in the two columns were nearly identical.
That is either the most amazing coincidence of all time, or the COVID shots don’t work.
Which one do you think is more likely?
I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. Why aren’t they?
Think about that. If the vaccines are so safe, why doesn’t anyone want to take my money?? And it’s so darn easy too: all you have to do is explain why 98% of the Bell’s palsy cases reported in VAERS are associated with ONE vaccine in the last 35 years?
Doesn’t anyone trust the medical community OR the National Academies?
Surely, there must be at least ONE person who thinks they are telling the truth? These are highly respected organizations! Or at least they were highly respected.
How can I be right and the National Academies be wrong? I’m a “misinformation superspreader!”
All the trolls on X say I’m wrong, citing no evidence. So here’s a perfect opportunity to make a lot of money quickly. The trolls will back you up.
To accept my offer, just use the contact me form.
Science is supposed to be about finding the truth, not supporting false government narratives
The data is in VAERS showing injuries ONLY associated with ONE vaccine.
The reason the medical community avoids the VAERS data is simply that it is an inconvenient truth, so they try to gaslight people into ignoring it.
If the VAERS data is meaningless, then why is the US government spending millions of dollars every year maintaining it? And where is the BETTER publicly available vaccine surveillance system?
There was a “better VAERS,” but the CDC killed the project. It was called ESP:VAERS program and RFK Jr. mentioned in his book, “The Real Anthony Fauci” on page 73 at the top? ESP:VAERS used new technology to more accurately assess vaccine injuries.
Why? The CDC didn’t like what it showed (that all vaccines were unsafe). You can’t make this stuff up. You really can’t.
Silence from the vice-chair at NASEM. They just don’t want to talk about any evidence that shows that THEY are the real misinformation superspreaders.
I’ve reached out to Cornell Professor Anne Bass, the vice-chair of the committee that wrote the vaccine report.
She refuses to engage in any dialog to explain how the VAERS data is consistent with their conclusions. They just don’t want to know they are wrong. Their approach to challenge is simply to ignore it.
I wrote this on April 18, 2024, more than a month ago. No response.

You cannot trust the CDC, FDA, and medical community who all remain silent and refuse to explain this data. I’ve reached out many times to the FDA to have a discussion so they can explain why I am wrong, AND THEY REFUSE EVERY TIME.
If they want to stop misinformation, they can do it in a heartbeat: just explain the data. Why is that so hard?
You cannot trust the studies in the peer reviewed journals nearly all of which fail to find these obvious safety issues.
So you can’t trust any of these experts or authorities.
So who can you trust? The so-called misinformation spreaders, of course! But more importantly, you should trust data which is not subject to manipulation and selection such as data you collect yourself (being careful to adjust for biases) and certain government databases.
The COVID vaccines are unsafe and provide no benefits. It is deplorable that all of these respected institutions are incapable of finding and/or admitting the truth. That’s a huge problem.
Even worse is that members of the mainstream medical community completely avoid all opportunities to resolve these discrepancies in a public dialog with those who disagree. This results in huge numbers of unnecessary deaths. For example, Paul Offit recently estimated that 200,000 to 300,000 people died in the US due to misinformation (I’ll be writing about this soon).
Whose fault is that? It’s the people who refuse to show up to resolve the dispute in a civil discussion with their peers in a public forum so that the public can hear both sides of the issue from experts.
They screwed up big time with these vaccines and the sooner admit that their methodologies, studies, and recommendations were deeply flawed, the better.
The first rule of holes is when you find yourself in one, stop digging.
P.S. If you like articles like this that expose the truth and you’re not already a paying subscriber, please consider subscribing to support my work and help me have the funds to get the word out. Thanks. It’s only $5/mo or $50/year.
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