Some Australians Still Aren’t Dead After 3 Vaxxines So a 4th Dose to Finish of Remaining Aussies Is On Its Way, Says ANR Founder

Some Australians Still Aren’t Dead After 3 Vaxxines So a 4th Dose to Finish of Remaining Aussies Is On Its Way, Says ANR Founder

By Staff Reporter

Some Australians still aren’t dead after 3 vaccines so a 4th dose to finish of remaining Aussies is on its way, says ANR Founder.

This is after another orgy of sales for the booming vaccine industry of billions in vaccine sales for yet another vaccine

2 vaccines has been enough to kill thousands of Australians already (2865 excess dead Australians above average in Jan alone this year, a massive 22.1% spike, which is about one every 15 minutes)
But this isn’t enough to stop the drug spruikers and their vaccine bonus’s flowing inside our Cabinet and Health Ministeries.

We must depopulate Australia and the planet the Government insists, thus a 4th dose should sadly see many Australians to remember last Christmas as they are unlikely to ever see another Xmas.

But never fear. The fake news outlets who are paid to push deadly vaccines on innocents and babies now, and then paid to cover up deaths and injuries, will say such deaths are rare (not simply rarely reported).

Who would have ever thought Australians would so cheerfully and happily commit suicide and line up for a 4th, but there is bound to be some Joe Biden supporters and idiot box watchers who no doubt will.

At least house prices won’t rise again, the ANR Founder sarcastically stated.

Vaccine companies make More than seven million people will be able to get a fourth dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, after Australia’s leading immunisation body updated its advice.
From July 11, people over 50 will be recommended to receive a fourth vaccine dose, or second booster shot.
Those between 30 and 49-years-old will from Monday be able to have a fourth dose if they choose to do so.
The decision from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation comes amid rising numbers of virus cases across the country, fuelled by more transmissible strains of the Omicron variant.

Previously only those over 65, in aged or disability care, or immunocompromised were able to get a fourth dose.
ATAGI said the timing between vaccine doses or prior infection, whichever came first, would also be reduced from four months to three months.
The vaccine group did not extend eligibility for the fourth dose to those under 30 due to it not being known whether the benefits outweighed the risks among the population group.
Health Minister Mark Butler said 7.4 million people would be able to get their fourth dose from Monday.
As of Thursday, 60 per cent of people over 65 have had a fourth COVID-19 vaccine.
The vaccine body also said it was concerned to take-up of booster doses had not been high enough.