TruthGroup Seeks Sophisticated Investors to Fund the Fight Back Against Globalists with its Censor Free Social Media Platforms and Offers Fee Shares

TruthGroup Seeks Sophisticated Investors to Fund the Fightback Against Globalists with its Censor-Free Social Media Platforms and Offers Fee Shares

TruthGroup seeks sophisticated investors to fund the fightback against Globalists with its censor-free social media platforms and offers free shares. is a fast-growing censor-free social media platform provider with brands such as a Facebook alternative that’s had almost 250,000 posts made on its fast-growing platform, a YouTube alternative, a Twitter alternative and, a currency that’s also working an on the app to be a PayPal alternative.

Amongst Independent media assets, the Group started from numerous freedom movement activists who were banned from social media, & pooled their initiatives together.

Now the group is aiming to become a billion-dollar tech company within 5 years, by picking up just a few crumbs that Facebook alone has lost (almost 500 billion it lost in market value)
TruthGroup said it also will issue shares for free, to anyone that purchases Truthcoin via or $1000 or more.