Australian National Review Founder Says The Australian Government is Desperate to Shut Down and Silence one of The Largest Independent News Networks Broadcasting in Australia

Australian National Review Founder Says The Australian Government is Desperate to Shut Down and Silence one of The Largest Independent News Networks Broadcasting in Australia

Australian National Review Founder says the Australian Government is desperate to shut down and silence one of the largest independent news networks broadcasting in Australia

The ANR Founder said he believes the Australian Government is behind the dirty tricks that have caused banks to close accounts, stripe to cease processing donors and to freeze funds.

They are desperate to bankrupt the Australian National Review, a not for profit Independent media organisation that launched a decade ago.

He says he has been targeted by Government agencies ever since he launched the Australian National Review, which has been critical of Government policy and exposed corrupt politicians such as former Senator Sam Dastaryi for being a Chinese spy and receiving money from China to push Chinese policy whilst being an Australian Elected Senator. He said Fairfax Media hate what we do as we exposed their direct collusion with Australian Government Agencies to target and silence those who were outspoken

The weaponisation of Government agencies in Australia will get worse as they follow the trend set by the Biden Administration in the US which uses agencies like the FBI to even spy on anyone that question the fraudulent 2020 US Elections, by demanding Facebook pass on messages of any user that did.
The ANR Founder said it’s a dangerous occupation in the West now to be an independent journalist or even a citizen that dares think for themselves

I mean how long before we get charged for questioning the fraud of Covid or if we refuse to accept the fake science that Climate Change is our greatest threat, and we must accept Global Communism and start eating bugs and insects, own nothing and shut up and be happy, all because some crony billionaire capitalist elites want to scam our Governments with falsified pandemics and falsified climate crisis’s.

He said he was targeted recently returning from overseas at passport control by 2 Federal Police Officers and he is aware that the Government is determined to ban the Australian National Review from even asking for donations to fund its journalism, by claiming its fraudulent to do so.

It’s no longer safe for independent journalists to live in Australia and it’s only going to get worse to the Western Oligarchs are exposed and defeated and Australia can re take its country back from the elites who own it.