Can We Defeat the Globalists?
Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre
Australian National Review Founder says we can but, “We must support Independent Media or lose to the Globalists- Independent Media is our last line of defense against, “The elite’s Great Reset – a totalitarian nightmare of Global Communism under a One World Facade Government which is a One World Corporation, i.e. think BlackRock”.
“One way to support Independent Media apart from sharing articles and being a citizen journalist is to either donate or take advantage of our sponsor offers”, he said
Click on their free offers to learn more, at the Australian National Review or
Not only will it help us continue the fight against the Globalist agenda, but it can help you generate abundance to help fund more critical activism. We must all make more money and use that money as a tool to serve and support the freedom movement or suffer a resounding defeat. We can win, but we must all contribute to share the workload.
Together we can make a big difference and must.
Also, encourage businesses to sponsor or advertise with Independent Media. We have loyal readers who will support freedom movement sponsors and dump the Globalist’s businesses in droves. Help send the woke broke.
Australian National Review Founder donates his life work at 21stCenturyU, to help raise money to fund Independent Media and to educate teenagers with free scholarships to save them from being infected by the “woke virus”, pushed so hard at schools these days.
I created a 21stCentury Education,25 years ago as I knew back then what was being taught at school was an indoctrination, not an education and I only achieved success in my life by unlearning what I learnt at school and learning what’s necessary to excel. I give my best selling book, “What I Didn’t Learn At School, But Wish I Had” ( which exposed the Fed Reserve Banking scam back in 1999 and predicted many things that would happen decades in advance ) and many online tutorials away for free plus thousands of teenage scholarships. For less the $100 a year anyone can subscribe to access hundreds of hours of education that has transformed hundreds of thousands of lives and made my clients well over $5 billion dollars collectively.
Consider subscribing and you’ll also get a Digital Subscription to the Australian National Review or subscribe to the Australian National Review and get all the above included from as little as $2 per week. Or simply donate $100 and donors receive these valuable subscriptions
Grab your free educational tools and books now, and if it resonates with you,become a donor or member, and for every adult that does, we donate a free teenage scholarship.
Schools also can use these materials free of charge, and many teachers have for years, to educate students,and my book has been in schools for over 2 decades now.