Cold War II Confrontation In The Baltic Sea The Russians Launch Decisive Assault MS For 2024.12.27

Cold War II Confrontation In The Baltic Sea The Russians Launch Decisive Assault MS For 2024.12.27

By Military Summary

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 27th of December 2024.

Here’s what others had to say:

Russia is not dispensable. The world needs Russia for sanity, balance of power and keeping the depraved & belligerent West in check.

There has never been a democracy in ukraine.

Russia and BRICS are not enemies of Western people – from Florida with love

NATO wants to increase patrolling the Baltic sea, what about Russia’s pipeline, why did they allow that to be destroyed?

There is no glory to be had in dying for Western Interest conjured up by policymakers of Aspen and Rand Corporation.

I am English and have followed events in Ukraine right from the start in2014 involving Victoria nulands inspired colour revolution/regime change and unfortunately the heavy media propaganda in the west was quite effective,but there are still some of us who know better and Russia must win not only to tell the world not to try it again,and also to succeed in the new Bricks world order and to reduce American influence god bless Russia

0:25 Interesting how no extra presence in the Baltic Sea was necessary after someone blew up NordStream. Still a mystery who did that but no one cares to know, apparently.
But after some insignificant cable got damaged, they will increase their presence.
According to conventional wisdom in the EU, Russia will attack any moment now. My fellow Dutchman Admiral Rob Bauer has advised all Europeans months ago to stock up on batteries and water. Yet for some reason, NATO will increase its presence only now. Strange timing..

I’m not sure these incidents with cables really happened. Or it was just a false flag operation to justify larger NATO presence and potential blokade of Baltic for Russia.
And, please, Dima, not every Russian ship is “shadow ship” or belongs to “shadow fleet”. Most of them are perfectly normal Russian merchant ships.

Dima, you joking. What blockade? Who will allow this? There will be convoys of ships then with russian navy sheparding convoys and this is it. It is strange that it is already not.

It’s about time Rand Corporation puts out a revised edition of their Policy Paper 2019: “Extending Russia”

Russia is more than capable of capturing Western vessels and impounding them until its own vessels are released. In fact this confrontation gives Russia a means of compensating for the illegal sanctions.

Regarding the underwater cables it is important to remember two things; 1) Whenever a rupture un an underwater cable is detected, 3-4 ruptures are detecected. It is the nature of underwater cables. 2) The Baltic cuntries are suffering from mass psychosis like many western countries.

The Russians are only ~ 5 kilometers away from the coal mines and the coking plants of Udatschne

Blockade and St Petersburg will not play well in Russia. How stupid are Blinken and Sullivan? Did they take history in school?

Surely that can’t be true about the losses just in that area, zelensky says Ukraine has lost less than 50,000 in the whole conflict and 3 quarters of those injured return to battle, here in the west they say 100,000 in the whole conflict, so how could they have lost half that amount just in 1 small area. Someone is lying and it can’t be zelensky and the west because we are the pillar of truth.

Russia has Frigates with Hypersonic missiles that cannot be shot down on them. Do you really think NATO wants to use their Naval vessels as floating targets for those missiles? Do you think NATO wants to force Russia to allow NATO to board those Frigates? Are you serious?
We need to think here with common sense! This is not Syria we are toying with! This is what appears to be the most powerful country and army in the world we are playing with! We would be in their back yard and not them in ours! They have millions of military they can deploy!
Come on here! Let’s quit with this nonsense and start thinking as grown men!

This war is tragic. Attack on a by UN and Russia recognised slavic brotherland. Poor russian and ukrainian people.


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