Did You Know the Rothschilds Introduced Communism to Russia, and they Wish to do it to the West via their One World Government Agenda

Did You Know the Rothschilds Introduced Communism to Russia, and they wish to do it to the West via their One World Government Agenda

Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre

Did you know the Rothschilds introduced communism to Russia, and they wish to do it to the West via their One World Government Agenda? They already control all Western leaders and only start wars with nations they don’t yet control i.e. Russia they started the Ukrainian war against them, and they want to start a war with China by interfering with Taiwan and Iran by slaughtering Palestinians who have no weapons to defend themselves against a murderous Israeli Regime

They were behind Sept 11 to use as a pretext to invade Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan.

Most Israelis detest Israel’s leadership, so why are some Westerners s dumb enough to support a murderous regime that wants to enslave them

It’s called Globalist propaganda via they MSM news fronts.

Original source: https://twitter.com/jamiemcintyre21/status/1769563913727959299