Has Israel’s Continued Actions of Slaughtering (Genocide) and Theft of Palestinian Land (That’s Been Going on for 75 Years) Based on Dubious Claims, and at the Same Time Playing the Victim Card?
Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre
Has Israel’s continued actions of slaughtering ( genocide ) and theft of Palestinian land ( that’s been going on for 75 years) based on dubious claims, and at the same time playing the victim card and labelling anyone anti semitic if they dare raise objections made you feel more positive about the Israeli criminal regime or less positive ?
What do you think of Australian politicians elected to serve Australia doing what Israel demands of them, even when against Australians interest ?
What do you think of Israel for flooding the west with mass legal and illegal immigration including almost 1 million migrants to Australia last year when we already have a shortage of housing, and when Israel is racist and prevents such immigration to Israel ?
Are you happy for your children or grandchildren to be conscripted against there will,and sent to die a horrible death in WW3, because Israel demands it, and is planning it for young westerners, just like they are doing to innocent Ukrainians right now?
Do you support Israel’s plan for a One World Totalitarian Government, even when it means you’ll become a slave and owned and controlled by them ?
Do you support Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty and the murder of American marines in 1967 and Israel co ordinating Sept 11,and lying to you it was a bunch of Arabs with box cutters that couldn’t fly commercial jets,so they could attack Arab nations and have you
support them?
If you were to find out Israel ( Mossad ) was behind the Port Arthur massacre to change Australia’s gun laws, yet expected us to believe a deaf mute did it, how would it make you feel ?
Why do you think Israel continues to exaggerate the deaths in the Jewish holocaust and lie about it to this day, and call everyone else a holocaust denier, when they are the ones that deny the most deadly holocausts in comparison, that they committed ?
And why do they deny much worse holocausts it was behind, such as what they did to German cities with fire bombing them ?
Would you prefer to be burnt alive or gassed to death ?
And why did they do it to Japan via the United States of Israel, with the atomic bombs , another deadly holocaust when it was never necessary, or the starving of 40 million Indians during WW2 when they had their puppet in Churchill cause the famine in India or the holocaust of Russians via their take over of Russia to install communism?
Why do they love genocide and war and theft of resources so much ?
And why do you think they love to brainwash Westerners via their Globalist controlled media so much ?
Original source: https://twitter.com/jamiemcintyre21/status/1775070214876705103