It Makes it Easy to Know Who the Criminal Elites are Behind All These Globalists Scams and Wars. They use the Same PR People and the Same Old Strategy. Question Our Crimes and We’ll Accuse You of Being Anti-Something

It Makes it Easy to Know Who the Criminal Elites are Behind All These Globalists Scams and Wars. They use the Same PR People and the Same Old Strategy. Question Our Crimes and We’ll Accuse You of Being Anti-Something

Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre

It makes it easy to know who the criminal elites are behind all these Globalist scams and wars. They use the same PR people and the same old strategy. Question our crimes, and we’ll accuse you of being anti-something.

I’m actually anti-fake Jew wanker banker families who work with terrorists to murder their own people for their own gain. They fund Islamic terrorists to terrorise the West and even work with Nazis.

How did fake Jew George Soros start his career again?

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