Mariupol: Phoenix, Rising From The Ashes | Documentary
By Videos from Mariupol
Here’s what others had to say:
I shared this video to my Facebook account. As an American I want to tell you that the American population does not hate Russia. Our politicians are trying to get us to hate Russia. We are too smart with that. Please be patient as the truth comes out. Please post more. Hopefully United States and Russia can soon be friends again. Praying for peace from America.
I am Algerian and I decided to start learning russian this summer. I hope to visit Russia one day to see its glory and hope to speak Russian when I do so. Glory to Russia.
Sending love to You guys from Poland ! Our media says only bad things about Russia but normal people knows the truth . Russia is not the same as before . Russia is free nation and is protecting tradition , culture , own race . We are proud of You . We are under control from “west” . But we are still same Slavic race , one day we will also be free and be able to Reunite with all Slavic countries and become very close friends ! Every day more and more Polish people realise that our family is Russia and all Slavic countries . One day we will born again and unite as one Slavic empire to show the world how life should look by law of God ! Don’t listen mainstream media ! We Poland love all Slavic neighbours . No matter if it’s UA , RUS , BRUS , SLOVAKS , CHECH REPUBLIC , we are kids of powerful ancestors . Don’t forget it. We will be friends but first , evil must be destroyed.
If the russians can build all that in just 2 years, imagine what mariupol will look like in 10-20 years.
Meanwhile, US rebuilt nothing in iraq and and afghanistan.
Where there is a will, there is a way. Russia did more for Mariupol in 2 years than Ukraine did in 30.
Russian citizens lucky to to have a strong leader love his people’s . Salute President Putin from Philippines.
It is mind blowing that Russia was able to build and complete a new apartment complex 7 months after war.
The Global South is with you. Russia is fair and just. History is our lesson. From Moscow, to Stalingrad, to Kursk, to Bagration, to Berlin, oh, then the world cared. We care for you Russian speakers a lot, now, too. You have provided the inspiration for those who love justice and fairness.
I’m a South African living in Scotland, and can tell you that all my friends, and most of the People I know, aren’t stupid and know this was all about NATO expansionism and not about Russian aggression.
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