Really? Ukraine Adds the Pope of Rome to it’s Kill List? Looks Fake But Wouldn’t Come as a Surprise Since Ukraine has Added Hundreds of Orthodox Christian Bishops and Priests to It’s Kill List Already

Really? Ukraine Adds the Pope of Rome to it’s Kill List? Looks Fake But Wouldn’t Come as a Surprise Since Ukraine has Added Hundreds of Orthodox Christian Bishops and Priests to It’s Kill List Already

By AussieCossack

Really? Ukraine adds the Pope of Rome to it’s kill list? Looks fake but wouldn’t come as a surprise since Ukraine has added hundreds of Orthodox Christian Bishops and priests to it’s kill list already.

In response to the Pope’s peace advice Ukrainian officials, including radical parliamentarians, attacked him with criticism saying “no one can and should not consider Ukraine a loser.” Ukrainian Government officials demanded the Pope should apologize to Ukraine and the Ukrainians.

Outrageous! This


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