Remember it’s Not Anti Semitic to Criticise the Israeli Criminal Regime and the Globalist Criminal Cartel that Hides Behind Israel and Controls the US Congress and the Fed Reserve

Remember it’s Not Anti-Semitic to Criticise the Israeli Criminal Regime and the Globalist Criminal Cartel that Hides Behind Israel and Controls the US Congress and the Fed Reserve

Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre

Remember it’s not anti-semitic to criticise the Israeli Criminal Regime and the Globalist criminal cartel that hides behind Israel and controls the US Congress and the Fed Reserve, that’s slaughtering innocent men, women, children and babies even if Hamas did what they say, despite the fact the evidence suggests it was a deliberate false flag attack by the Israeli regime (something they have done before and are more than capable of and have clear motive ) and regardless if not clear gross incompetence that they should be removed from power by the Israeli people. But as they are a tyrannical regime that’s facing collapse and being shown to the world their true colours, don’t fall for the bs it’s anti semitic to criticise the barbaric actions of the Israel regime

It’s also complete Bs that to criticise the Israeli regime that you are a terrorist sympathiser ( hardly as if you were you would support the largest terrorists currently on the planet that being the US and Israeli regime and we know who controls the US Foreign Policy )

Any act of violence against innocent man and women and children any decent person despises

So don’t tolerate their bs for a second

Nor can Israeli regime say it is self defence to carpet bomb innocents.

If they wish to use the self defence bs propaganda just ask where was their self defence when they let Hamas militants across their borders to roam around for hours when it’s impossible for them to have got within 100 metres of the fences and concrete wall without being noticed, let alone breach it in 15 places simultaneously on dirt bikes against tanks, attack helicopters,fighter jets and high tech weaponary, that supposedly was no match, but all working fine again when it comes to bombing unarmed innocent women, children and babies.

And what sort of Governments invent baby beheading stories and killing babies in an oven, and thinks that’s ok to defame others,while they don’t hesitate to murder babies on mass from cowardly violent carpet bombing acts

How weak are these criminals – can’t defend their borders but can murder unarmed innocents and are so arrogant they don’t care what you say in the West ,as they push their censorship laws upon Westerners including Australia- and let’s not mention which criminal regime was behind the falsified COVID pandemic and lockdowns . All roads lead to you know where.

And why did the Israeli Government shoot dead Israelis at the rave festivals, bomb Israeli houses and bomb hostages – just more gross incompetence perhaps or what were mossad agents really up to ?

And remember most Israelis are against the current regime in Israel as are the Israeli hostages

Don’t hold back on deserved criticism of this evil regime that’s do deluded it thinks it’s the light and anyone that doesn’t agree with its mass murder and obvious blatant agenda is the darkness.

We should support Israelis to over throw their evil regime, just as we need to support Americans to do the same in their nation and support westerners Globally to rid this evil cartel that finally the world is awakening to.

The Globalist don’t care for you or Israelis, let alone innocent Palestinians or even their own Israeli hostages

And try and support the brainwashed to end their trance as they try to defend Israel’s murderous position , as we also criticise any extremist terrorists organisation ( sadly most funded and crated by the criminals hiding behind Israel to create such conflict to control you by fear )

So don’t let anti semitic bs be used any longer as a self defence for mass murder.

We don’t have to be anti Israelis or anti Americans to be anti the criminal regime that hides behind Israel and the US.

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