Significant Success In The Toretsk And Pokrovsk Directions Military Summary And Analysis 2024.07.26

Significant Success In The Toretsk And Pokrovsk Directions Military Summary And Analysis 2024.07.26

By Military Summary

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 26th of July 2024.

Here’s what others had to say:

It is so easy: All Ukrainians who are against negotiations should finally enlist for military service at the front. According to polls that’s still about 70% of the population!

Germany: You can’t win a war against Russia.
zelensky: Why?
Germany: Because we already tried and it didn’t end well for us.

“The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. They’re right around. I’ve seen Russian soldiers.” James Forrestal, United States’ Secretary of Defense (1949).

Unauthorized crossing of the border is a minor offense punishable by a fine. Or at least it would be, if the state wasn’t ruled by criminals.

The Bond downgrading into effectively junk bond territory is happening not because Ukraine is completely broke, but because it will stop to make payments for existing loans in order to stay somewhat afloat. But anyway, Kiev is in a financial downward spiral of defaults and higher interests for new loans, ensuring its financial collapse in the not so distant future.

The Situation in Ukraine is bad, but nothing compared to war in Zaga. The Lancet reported 186.000 angels from direct and indirect humanitarian mission, it can be found by searching ” Counting the dead in “you know where”: difficult but essential”.

The guys in Kiev after the conscripting methods are going to be even harsher against the people upset about those actions. Maybe they are just building their excuse for leaving the country because that conscription tactic has them in allot of trouble. They started a war with Russia and their own people.

Russia is not our enemy. From the UK, with wishes of peace and prosperity for Russia and a long life for President Putin.

1:45 Not attacking Ukrainians as they withdraw their forces may be a new Russian strategy. Soldiers have a lot more incentive to withdraw if they know they won’t be attacked. Plus, it allows the Russians to see where the Ukrainians (and their equipment) are going. Russia has really good HUMINT in the region. They also have excellent, extensive satellite imagery. Russians see everything.

“Great ukrainain operation” they ran away from the caldron. ! Fantastic wording, like “akrainians successfully attack in westren direction ”

Ukraine shot down 31 out of the 16 Russian rockets fired. It’s simple meth – Zelensky

FAB-3000 strike: “….nothing special just regular military activity….” A 6600 lb. guided bomb obliterates some number of AFU and its hardly worth making a note of it…. THAT is the measure of how far RU has come in the past year…”

The worst thing happened to a Ukrainian T-64BV tank which leaving for a safer place west of the village of Konstantinovka. Accurate Russian artillery fire destroyed the tank and it caught fire. Russian troops had broken through the enemy’s defenses, finished off the enemy in Paraskovievka, and entered Konstantinovka on the direction of South Donetsk. – Military Tube Today


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