The Globalists ie Israel Criminal Elites Want to Flood the West With Massive Legal and Illegal Immigration Because Why?
Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre
The Globalists ie Israel criminal elites want to flood the West with massive legal and illegal immigration because why?
A) because they also allow mass immigration into their country and only want racism laws forced upon the West for defending against racists (like themselves perhaps who genocide their neighbors)?
B) as nations are flooded with excess and unsuitable immigration policies, lose a national identity, and become divided which enables the minorities taking over the country more easily hide, and is part of the One World Government Agenda ie banish nationalism and Nationalist leaders by allowing no majority National ethnicity left?
And to prop up their banks as they would collapse without a mass increase in population in America most illegal immigrants will vote for Biden as their Globalist puppet.
C) let me get back to you.
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