The Heat Whispers of Peace Northern Vovchansk on the Brink Military Summary and Analysis 2024.07.11

The Heat Whispers of Peace Northern Vovchansk on the Brink Military Summary and Analysis 2024.07.11

By Military Summary

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 11th of July 2024.

Here’s what others had to say:

When will Ukr men realise HATO won’t save them. Stop fighting your Slavic brothers and turn your anger on the enemy within.

Neither Zelensky nor Biden want negotiations – both have too much financial skin in the game and too much dirt to be kept hidden from public gaze.

I don’t think Zelensky has anything to say about Ukraine… its the USA that has the most to say about their business interests in Ukraine, so they are the ones who determine whether or not this war should stop… and they don’t want to stop this war… so Zelensky is just a straw man forced to fight on a losing battle.
The sad clown mass murderer of his own people.

The Ukrainian soldiers have come to the conclusion that defeat is inevitable.

For Zelensky, the borders of Ukraine will be adjusted to Miami boarder 2024

NATO’s declaration that Ukraine’s eventual membership of the US-led military bloc is “irreversible” means that either the nation or the alliance – and preferably both – should disappear, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has said.
A joint statement adopted by the leaders of NATO states during a summit in Washington, DC this week expressed support for Ukraine’s “right to choose its own security arrangements,” and declared that it is on an “irreversible path to full Euro-Atlantic integration, including NATO membership.”
Russia has consistently said that Ukraine’s accession to NATO would cross a ‘red line’. It cited the expansion of the bloc in Europe as one of the key triggers of the current hostilities with Kiev.
“The conclusion is obvious. We have to do everything to make sure that the ‘irreversible path of Ukraine’ towards NATO ends with either the disappearance of Ukraine, or the disappearance of NATO. Better, both,” Medvedev said on Thursday. – RT

Guys it’s not worth give your life for the western hegemony and Zelensky wealth. 149.200 Volga, stay alive, make your mom see you again.

Calling Ukraine a democracy is like calling NATO a defensive alliance.

These Nato Chihuahuas are barking on command of their master, the USA. Now some Chihuahuas are starting to refuse to bark against the big Russian bear because they realise it is all waste of money, recources, time and above all human lifes.

A soldier is defeated when he is defeated (mentally: that’s when they realise it’s futle to fight). That’s what is happening here.

I have always said that the current Ukrainian armies have quite a few cadets. And now they see their friends falling, in a battle they can no longer win, they feel increasingly outnumbered and feeling that their president is playing with their lives, bragging to allies and lying about the current course of the conflict, makes them it makes you very nervous. Many defenders abandon the sectors, many soldiers hand themselves over to the Russians, asking to be held until the end of the conflict, for fear of being repositioned again in battle.

You should not name it an illness. It is the opposite: It is healthy to prioritize your own and your brothers’ wellbeing over the powergames played by leaders

Nobody wants to be the last soldier to die before the start of peace negotiations.

Western ukrainians need to take a page out of the Chechnian book and learn from them.
Chechnia was in pieces and now fights with the Russians as everyone who loves truth and justice.
Just look at how Mariupol is coming back to life again.
All ukrainians need to join the Russians and not fight them, otherwise there won’t be any ukrainians left.

Dima and his Military Summary channel is my number one go to place for SMO info and updates.

Ex-president Zelensky should not be assigned any role of significance without a renewed democratic mandate.

According to the Istanbul agreement the Russians didn’t even want to take Donbas without referendum.
The requirement was only no NATO membership.

The USA AF Northrop RQ-4B Global Hawk (FORTE14) flew yesterday late evening from Sicily, Italy over Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia to the border of Poland (and probably into Poland along the border with Ukraine) and after a night of work back to Sicily this morning.

The Viet Nam War finally ended when Americans grunts refused to fight

Russia needs to stop farting around and secure Odessa and link up with Transnistria before any settlement.

Little creativity at the NATO summit, fits a dying civilization. A 500 year era of terror will finish. Just like the Roman empire. There were big benefits associated with our civilization, personal freedom on paper, respect for all people on paper, the illumination and informative education, all the beautiful foundations laid down in constitutions on paper. But we didn’t think they were important when we had to chose between more terror and profit at the expense of the other and our humanity. Maybe a BRICS-based civilization will be a more honorable way forward. We have to quickly rethink our positions. It starts with not following the USA anymore, lift the occupation of Europe and remove from power the totalitarian conglomerate between political power and industrial shareholder profit for few elites. I see a better future for the world, but it won’t be easy.

This is probably your most profound (and profoundly correct) videos during this long, sad war, Dima. I pray that all people who must fight in this terrible conflict will be kept safe and that the idiot politicians who started and prolonged the war will be held to account by their people and by God.

The soldiers that enlisted in 2022 have already perished. The ones that enlisted recently are not the kind of soldiers that would obey orders without a second thought. When soldiers begin prioritizing their lives over standing their ground, it heralds the beginning of the end. UKR should have accepted RUS’s proposal from last month. The new proposal will be far more favorable to RUS. I hope that they also liberate Odessa.

So Trump’s promise of ending the war in 24 hours has caused Ukrainian soldiers to feel that keeping fighting is meaningless? I agree with them. They should do best to protect themselves, trying to survive the last 5 months.


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