The Next 3-6 Months Will Be Critical. However, Unless We Rid the World of the Globalists Who are Doing a Coup on Our Western Governments

The Next 3-6 Months Will Be Critical. However, Unless We Rid the World of the Globalists Who are Doing a Coup on Our Western Governments

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

The next 3-6 months will be critical. However unless we rid the world of the Globalists who are doing a coup on our Western Governments, it’s predictable what will happen. They’ll continue to manipulate high energy and food prices by creating deliberate shortages, continue to cause war and unrest by manipulating events, continue to manipulate the weather to blame it on Climate Change to use as a Trojan horse as they did with Covid to usher in their Great Reset. A much larger coordinated pushback must start to come from all sectors of business and community or suffer a dismal predictable fate. It’s time for a lot more to stand up and be counted. History will judge us all. The infiltrated western Governments and mainstream media and their western oligarch backers are your enemies. What will we as a society collectively decide to do about it?

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