UN’s Plan for World Domination & One World Religion Revealed – Alex Newman
By Zeee Media
Alex Newman joins Maria Zeee to detail what really happened at the UN’s COP29, detailing how the UN & their collaborators through the global surveillance agenda driven by climate change plan to achieve world domination and a one-world religion.
Here’s what others had to say:
Combine Musk’s skynet of satellites and the global brain chip rollout with the digital ID and this gives Musk (his mother is a high level freemason) control of the human race. THIS IS A HUGE TRAP. The Illuminati control both sides of politics. Good cop – bad cop
Meanwhile Trump supporters continue to ignore the viper in the room mainly the bill that has provisions to mandate shots throw people in detention camps and no doubt many other torturous measures. You can bet that Congress won’t be subject to the mandates. Yes indeed Trump did not say a friggin word about that shit and almost the entire right media is ignoring what AJ exposed recently.
Has AJ been fed disinformation about the bill? Or did AJ initially speak the truth only to mislead people into thinking the bill had or will be stopped? I seriously doubt that the Trump pattern will not continue to play out just like it did during his first term. Distraction followed by hiding critical info about another bad bill. Then Trump jumps forward like a hero but does not tell the whole truth and then lo and behold the bill passes and the truth about the bill goes dark until the measures in it resurface at just the right time to put the screws into the American people. Congress will continue to steal kill and destroy until Americans remove them from all leadership roles in the gov’t but if you are waiting for Congress to do it by using this new carrot being dangled in front of us you will be waiting forever. I am talking about the latest distraction no other than using a primary to remove them. This is all theatre all distraction to keep us from looking at the real threats.
Leviticus 19:31: “Don’t dabble in the occult or traffic with mediums; you’ll
pollute your souls. I am God, your God”
These UN wallers, they are not going to listen to appeals to disband themselves. Talk, hasn’t
got a prayer of changing a darn thing.
‘X’ is a weapon system to inactivate the population. Well see.
Original source: https://rumble.com/v619dq5-uns-plan-for-world-domination-and-one-world-religion-revealed-alex-newman.html