We Are Test Launching TruthInsta. Let’s Expose the Truth, Speak the Truth and Share the Truth

We Are Test Launching TruthInsta. Let’s Expose the Truth, Speak the Truth and Share the Truth

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

We are test launching TruthInsta as well. Feel free to check it out. It will work in with Truthbook.social which has tens of thousands of users and 100,000 posts within its first few months. As Facebook decline in users, TruthGroup.social is gaining. Let’s expose the truth, speak the truth and share the truth, and bring the Globalists Fraudsters to their knees. We the people will say as we please. www.truthinsta.comwww.truthbook.socialwww.TruthGroup.social backed by our new Global Payment system www.truthcoin.social

Original source: https://t.me/jamiemcintyre/3706