Formal Complaint Against Mandatory Vaccination in Australia by Retired Lieutenant Kevin Loughrey

Formal Complaint Against Mandatory Vaccination in Australia by Retired Lieutenant Kevin Loughrey

Our Friends at People For Safe Vaccines have highlighted the importance of complaints such as the Formal Complaint Against Mandatory Vaccination in Australia by Retired Lieutenant Kevin Loughrey

It is now well established that experimental mRNA intervention is not a preventative against COVID disease – COVID cases, hospitalisations and deaths have increased since the injection program was implemented in February 2021.

Please take a moment to read P4SV’s latest post by Dr Judy Wilyman –

Formal Complaint Against Mandatory Vaccination in Australia by Retired Lieutenant Kevin Loughrey

In June 2022 retired Lieutenant-Colonel, Kevin Loughrey, made a complaint to the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission about new mRNA gene-technology being promoted to the public as a ‘vaccine’. This promotion of a new untested medication, that was only provisionally approved as a vaccine, led to governments mandating the intervention in society without regard to the risks of this drug because they believed it to be a ‘vaccine’.

The government describes this injection as experimental, a phase 3 clinical trial, and it had not been proven to prevent anyone catching or dying from COVID. The government states that this intervention does not reduce the transmission of the virus in the community.

Government health ministers also claimed this injection to be safe and effective without the 10 years of data required by the regulatory board, the Therapeutic Goods Authority, to prove this to be true.

This mandatory directive resulted in medical discrimination in the workforce and in society by breaching medical privacy laws and our right to work and participate in society, as well as our fundamental right to bodily autonomy. It also led to many premature deaths and hospitalisations for vaccine injuries.

It is now well established that this intervention is not a preventative against COVID disease – COVID cases, hospitalisations and deaths have increased since the injection program was implemented in February 2021.

There are also many known and unknown risks that are not being provided to the public for informed consent to this gene-technology. This proof of a lack of safety and efficacy for this drug (‘vaccine’) has led to a complaint being lodged with the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) for investigation.

The public is also not aware that many of the adverse events to the COVID ‘vaccines’ are being mislabelled as COVID disease because the only thing required to diagnose COVID disease is a positive test – not specific disease symptoms. This means that influenza and colds in 2021-22 have now been labelled as ‘COVID disease’. As have strokes, heart disease and blood clots etc due to the requirement to take a test before patients are admitted to hospital.

All patients admitted to hospital are required to take a rapid antigen test and this test can be positive even if you do not have any flu-like symptoms. Hence, the stroke, heart attack, myocarditis, or blood clots that you have arrived at hospital with can then become ‘COVID disease’ after a positive test.

This lack of transparency in the diagnosis of disease is resulting in the deception of global populations that is leading to increased death and illness in all communities. This is medical fraud because diagnosis in traditional medicine has never been based solely on a test and not symptoms.

In traditional medicine specific clinical symptoms are required before any test is used for disease diagnosis. The medical definition of a case of disease prior to 2020 was:

A case definition is a set of standard criteria for classifying whether a person has a particular disease, syndrome, or other health condition.

The use of a PCR test or an antigen test on its own since 2020 is not a method of disease diagnosis and this is medical fraud. These tests are being misused and misinterpreted and this is allowing governments to remove human rights.

In the case of flu-like illness hundreds of viruses, bacteria, and medications (vaccines) can cause flu-like symptoms so identifying one virus is not proof of causality – particularly when this test can be positive in people without any respiratory symptoms at all.

All humans have thousands of viruses and bacteria in us all the time so identifying them when we don’t have symptoms is not a useful method of defining disease or even predicting the risk of an infectious disease. Therefore, it was never done prior to 2020.

The claim that humans had a lack of natural immunity to this new coronavirus in 2020 was untrue and this has now been proven as the unvaccinated did not get this flu-like illness any more seriously than the vaccinated. In fact, the vaccinated have been admitted to hospital in much higher numbers than the unvaccinated.

If we stop the testing for Coronavirus 2019, then COVID disease disappears, and we return to managing flu’s and colds until real data of an epidemic is collected. Please look at the complaint made by retired Lieutenant-Colonel Kevin Loughrey, who provides all the evidence to support this information.

