How can Millions of People, all Exhibiting Signs of COVID have Whole Genome Sequences that Match the SARS-CoV-2 Reference Genome if Viruses don’t Exist?
Do you know? They were sequenced from scratch. The machines computed the sequences solely based on the samples under test using random primers.
VSRF Live #131: The Great Virus Debate! An Interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman, M.D.
Executive summary
This article lays out a set of questions that need to be answered in order to fairly evaluate the claim that viruses don’t exist.
I’ve invited Dr. Kaufman to write a document answering each of the questions. I will publish a link to that document here as soon as I get it.
In addition, if anyone else in the world submits credible answers to each of the issues posed here, I will also link to those documents.
Over 130 years of data; none of it inconsistent with virology
All of the data he posted is consistent with how virology works. No surprises.
But there is also over 100 years of evidence that as well. No surprises. No confounders.
Today, nobody has ever produced any scientific study that has produced results that are inconsistent with virology and that would cause any serious scientist with expertise in genomics and/or virology to rethink whether viruses exist or not.
That’s the problem with the virus deniers: they haven’t pointed out ANY inconsistencies that would cause any serious scientist to discard the belief that viruses exist and switch to a new hypothesis. If there are inconsistencies, please list them.
There simply isn’t a more compelling hypothesis that has ever been offered. It would have to explain the last 100 year of data at least as well as the existing model.
“No virus has ever been isolated!”
Fire can’t be isolated.
Gravity can’t be isolated.
We never say that fire and gravity cannot exist because you cannot “isolate” them.
Let’s put this into context.
Koch’s postulates were first announced in 1882 which was 10 years before the invention of virology and were focused on (self-contained) bacteria which is why requirement #2 was adopted.
Here’s a relatively unbiased opinion, courtesy of Gemini, Google’s AI:
Q: Some people claim that no virus has ever been isolated according to Koch’s postulates. Is that true?
A: No, that claim is not true. While Koch’s postulates were a significant historical contribution to microbiology, they have limitations, and scientists have isolated and characterized many viruses that don’t fulfill all of Koch’s criteria. Here’s a breakdown:
Koch’s Postulates:
These four postulates were formulated by Robert Koch in the late 19th century to establish a link between a specific microorganism and a particular disease. They are:
- The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease but should not be found in healthy organisms.
- The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture.
- The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
- The same organism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.
Limitations of Koch’s Postulates:
- Focus on Bacteria: These postulates were primarily developed for studying bacterial diseases. Viruses, with their different characteristics and reliance on host cells for replication, can present challenges in fulfilling all the criteria.
- Asymptomatic Carriers: Some viruses can establish chronic infections with asymptomatic carriers who harbor the virus but don’t show symptoms. This can complicate postulate #1.
- Difficult Cultivation: Not all viruses can be easily grown in pure culture outside a host cell. This can hinder fulfilling postulate #2.
- Ethical Considerations: Introducing a potentially harmful virus into a healthy organism (postulate #3) raises ethical concerns and wouldn’t be done in humans. Alternative methods, like cell cultures or animal models with similar symptoms, are used.
Examples of Viruses Isolated:
Despite these limitations, scientists have successfully isolated and characterized many viruses using various techniques beyond Koch’s postulates. Here are some examples:
- Measles virus: Isolated in 1954 using monkey kidney cells.
- HIV: Isolated in 1983 using cell cultures.
- Hepatitis B virus: Isolated in 1965 from the blood of an infected patient.
Modern Techniques:
Advances in technology like electron microscopy, viral culture techniques, and genetic sequencing have greatly improved our ability to study viruses even if they don’t strictly adhere to all of Koch’s postulates.
While Koch’s postulates provided a valuable framework, they are not absolute requirements for establishing a virus as the cause of a disease. Many well-characterized viruses don’t fulfill all the criteria. Scientists use a combination of techniques and evidence to identify and understand viruses and their role in disease.
Replication of the sequence in millions of people who were diagnosed with COVID
Each lab is given a sample from an infected person and asked to identify any novel pathogen that has not been seen before using only the data in the sample.
In over 100 countries, the genome sequences (which are nearly 30,000 nucleotides long) came back that were virtually identical.
This can’t happen by chance. AFAIK, there is only one way it can happen: the same base pathogen is infecting people all over the world.
AFAIK, nothing in science (except gravity) has been more widely independently replicated all over the world than the SARS-CoV-2 viral sequence.
If viruses don’t exist, how would you explain this?
And, if it wasn’t a virus that was sequenced, then what exactly was sequenced?
And why has the SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequence never been publicly seen before in human history until 2019?
Universal agreement on the structure of SARS-CoV-2
The gene sequence is shown here:
Everyone agrees. There is no debate.
So if a virus doesn’t exist, how can there be such universal agreement among all researchers with no dissent whatsoever?
Quantitative PCR (qPCR)
Does SARS-CoV-2 replicate? Yes.
How do we know that?
Because we can use qPCR and track viral load over time in someone who is infected. This viral load increases by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude in infected people, and then drops off after the virus is cleared.
If there is no virus, how do we explain the shape over time of the qPCR results in a given individual? And if we compare different individuals at different times, how do you explain the fact that the curves look the same?
You can lock these people in a room right after they are sick and the qPCR results will increase by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude. That means it is replicating.
And we can WGS sequence these people and confirm that the only foreign pathogen is SARS-CoV-2.
AFAIK, the rise and fall of the amount of genetic material can only explained by foreign (i.e., non-host) genetic material that is capable, either on its own or with the help of a host cell, of replication. A virus explanation fits the observation. And we know it isn’t a bacteria or parasite because we’d be able to see that easily.
So is there a new pathogen that replicates that nobody in human history has discovered yet? That seems very unlikely.
A virus can cause antibodies to be created and we can measure that.
If it isn’t a virus but is simply a reaction to external stress, then why are antibodies being created?
Viral similarity
If a bat coronavirus isn’t a virus either, then what is it?
And if this virus genomic sequence occurred randomly in nature all of a sudden, how do you explain the similarity?
What exactly were they working on in the Wuhan Institute of Virology for the past decade?
Barnstable County: how did all these people have the same sequence that replicated inside of them?
Virology explains this. It spread between people who were congregating in close quarters, exactly as we’d expect a virus to spread.
What’s the better explanation?
The Spread
Other viruses: what are they and why do they match their associated diseases?
I never found out the answer to any of these questions. Perhaps someone can explain this amazing coincidence in the comments?
What is it if it isn’t a virus?
The answer is I don’t but virologists do. They look at the length of the sequence, the genes that are encoded (having a computer to identify the sequences), and they can tell you what you LIKELY have if they are skilled.
If you show your pet to a vet and ask the vet, “Is this a cat or a dog?” the vet, who has specialized training, is able to distinguish the animals.
Virology is more difficult, but it’s the same idea.
But let’s turn it around!
If all of these millions of gene sequences that have been identified as viruses are NOT viruses, then what exactly are they and how are they made and how do they replicate?
If viruses don’t exist, then how can we see them?
It starts off with: “Two papers show viruses that are large enough to be seen with an optical microscope. A third paper shows all of Koch’s postulates satisfied for SARS-CoV-2 published in Nature. We’re done.”
Why didn’t the virus deniers simply fund the research to isolate the virus if it’s so important?
However, they have refused to fund this work.
The Washburne paper shows it is HIGHLY unlikely the virus is of natural origin. The genome is consistent with a man-made virus because it has certain genetic fingerprints that have never been found in nature before.
Basically, there are telltale “fingerprints” that are part of the SARS-CoV-2 genome.
These “fingerprints” can get into the genome if it was manipulated in a lab.
Nobody can figure out how they got there otherwise.
So the evidence is clear: this virus was man-made. That’s what the data shows.
You have the burden of proof to show this is wrong. Explain how these fingerprints got into the virus.
The furin cleavage site (FCS) 19-nucleotide sequence matches the 2016 Moderna patent
Consider for example, the very unusual 19-nucleotide “furin cleavage site” sequence sitting between the S1 and S2 proteins. AFAIK, this particular 19-nucleotide sequence is not found in nature nor can any of the experts I talked to explain how it could evolve naturally.
But this unusual sequence is found in a Moderna patent (US Patent No. 9587057) filed in 2016.
How does Moderna explain that? They said they’d check into it in 2021, but that was years ago and we never heard back. I guess they are still checking!
How did that sequence make its way into people everywhere in the world so quickly?
A virus could do that.
Is there another explanation that is more likely? Or even a possibility?
See this article for a more in-depth discussion. Others strongly disagree and are convinced this was human engineered.
How can ATCC sell viruses if viruses don’t exist?
What method do they use to replicate the viruses they sell?
How is it that I can buy many different SARS-CoV-2 variants from ATCC, and find that their genome matches up with GenBank?
The measles virus
So we know for a fact that the rate of infectivity depends on the genetic sequence of the virus.
If it isn’t a virus, then what causes measles to jump so quickly from an infected person to an uninfected person and why is the infectivity dependent on the genetic sequence?
And we can genomically sequence people before they get infected, and then after they get infected, showing the only difference is the presence of the virus.
Is there any evidence that something else was found to be causing this?
Science is about using all available evidence
If you look at the definition of science, you find it is:
“The systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.”
There is no limitation as to what constitutes evidence that can be considered in a scientific hypothesis.
If your hypothesis is correct, all the data should be explainable. That’s what it is about.
Here’s a simple example.
Do vaccines cause autism? Most in the scientific community would argue no and point to carefully done studies that adhere to the scientific method. But you cannot prove the null hypothesis, i.e., you can’t prove they can’t. You can only show you failed to find an association. That doesn’t mean the association doesn’t exist; it just means your studies haven’t detected a link.
But suppose 400 independent medical practices admit to the world that in 100% of cases where kids turned autistic overnight happened within 24 hours of an MMR vaccine shot.
What does science say? Should we ignore the sworn affidavits of 400 independent medical practices on what they observed because it wasn’t done in the context of a carefully controlled scientific experiment that adhered to the “scientific method?”
Alec Zeck fails to offer ANY alternative hypothesis that fits even the most basic observations (such as the symptoms match sequences)
Here Alec explains what is causing disease in the slide above.
But Alec fails to explain why, when people get symptoms of measles, doing a WGS on that person matches the measles gene sequence which is not normally present in the human body. He doesn’t explain how, when millions of people all over the world get symptoms of SARS-CoV-2, we can, all of a sudden, find SARS-CoV-2 sequences in their bodies when no such sequences have been found before.
That’s very problematic.
If you want to have us reject the current theories (which we are open to doing), you must present us with a theory that can explain at least all observations as the old theory, but with greater fidelity.
They cannot meet that burden at all on even the most basic tests. Not even close.
How can “perpetual fear” (or anything else on his slide) cause hundreds of millions of people to suddenly produce a foreign pathogen with an exact 29,903 nucleotide long genomic sequence that matches the sequences that have been deposited into GenBank?
Please explain.
An apology
I created this document to summarize many of the key arguments as to why so many of us believe that viruses DO exist.
I invite Dr. Kaufman to post a rebuttal to each of the points in this article in the hope of moving the discussion forward to a conclusion.
If he does so, I will link to it here.
Is there an alternative hypothesis that matches all the observations above?
If there is a better explanation for over 100 years of data, please answer in the comments.
That’s the important thing to focus on here.
It is not who won or lost the debate.
It is: “What does the data indicate?”
Why there are so many comments
Igor Chudov covered it pretty well.
This explains why people who believe in the no-virus hypothesis are unable to answer any of my questions posed above.
What do you think?
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