Stop South Africa’s Health Amendments, Stop the WHO

Stop South Africa’s Health Amendments, Stop the WHO

What’s happening in South Africa right now concerns us all.


Last May at the Better Way Conference, lawyer and activist (or ‘lawctivist’) Sabelo Sibanda gave a clear warning to the world. He is one of many challenging the WHO’s proposed pandemic agreement which, if confirmed in 2024 at the 77th World Health Assembly as planned, would undermine people’s sovereign rights in every member nation.

You can read more about it here, but in brief, the proposals would give the WHO legal authority to declare a pandemic and then impose public health measures across all member nations. Think lockdowns, mask mandates and enforced medical interventions. Governments would no longer have the right to set their own policies, so member states would be at the mercy of one, unelected, corrupt ‘health’ organisation, currently headed up by a man with no medical background who recently overruled the WHO’s emergency committee to unilaterally declare monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

How could the WHO possibly pull off such an outrageous power grab, you may well ask? By being smart, and not a little sneaky. This is what Sabelo warned us about back in May. He explained that the WHO was working toward its pandemic agreement by ensuring the amendments were implemented country by country. This is precisely what is happening. Right now, all eyes need to be on South Africa, as this wonderful country – my birth country – is facing a nightmare situation that concerns all of us, everywhere.

Its government is considering a shocking set of amendments to its health legislation that would remove people’s rights to bodily autonomy. These amendments include forcing people into quarantine – which for most people will require them to go to state-run facilities (ie. concentration camps) – forcing people to undergo medical examination, and to accept medical treatment against their will. Please watch Sabelo explain the full implications here. His video currently has under 7,000 views, we need to bump that up several times over so please share widely.

If South Africa accepts these amendments, it will be fully aligned with the WHO’s proposed pandemic agreement. Remember Sibelo’s warning: if the WHO has its way, amendments like these may be coming to your country, too.