An Effective Way to Use Globalists Social Media Platforms Like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Against Them

An Effective Way to Use Globalists Social Media Platforms Like, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Against Them

By Staff Reporter

ANR Founder says “The best way to hurt Globalists controlled Social Media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, is to not get banned from it, but use them to drive traffic to censor free social media platforms, where you can post truthful articles, videos, and share opinions and not be censored or banned.
He said many are using the fast-growing platform which is like Facebook but censor free to do just this.
As if you continue to post the truth about the Covid fraud, the deadly vaccines, or the neo-Nazis the West is supporting in Ukraine to attack Eastern Ukrainian’s, eventually you’ll get your account deleted. He said it’s best to do posts that won’t get you banned but drive your audience’ s to your, or Rumble, Bitchute, GAB, or accounts, to be more effective long term,& use Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to defeat the Globalists Great Reset Agenda.” is free to join by visiting or downloading the IOS or Android Apps.

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