Twitter Censors All Content From the Epoch Times as Unsafe

Twitter Censors All Content From the Epoch Times as Unsafe

By Steve Kirsch

Executive summary

This post covers three important articles in the Epoch Times:

  1. Twitter is censoring links to all Epoch Times articles
  2. The CDC collaborated with social media companies to censor speech
  3. There was extreme pressure put on the FDA by the White House to approve the COVID vaccines for kids, regardless of the safety risks.

Twitter censors all Epoch Times links

Read this article Twitter Censors All Content From The Epoch Times:

Collusion between the CDC and social media companies to censor free speech

Also, take a look at this article showing collusion between the CDC and social media companies to silence free speech. When asked about it by the Epoch Times, all the social media companies declined to comment. What a surprise.

You can read all 286 pages here (PDF). I didn’t find any interest at all in looking for safety signals. Their user surveys are focused on figuring out what it will take to convince you to get injected. They even talked with Facebook about adding a feature where if you get vaccinated, you can modify your profile picture to display this.

It was clear from the material that they don’t care about safety at all. They never talk about how to warn people of the risks of severe injury and death. That’s not their concern. It’s all about reducing vaccine hesitancy.

After reading that article and the emais, I immediately called Carol Crawford at the CDC and left a message on her voicemail.

I said all of us so-called “misinformation spreaders” would be delighted to meet with the CDC at ANY time to resolve the issue. I left my personal cell phone and asked her to call me as soon as possible. I’ll let you know if I hear anything, but don’t hold your breath.

It’s not about your child’s safety. They don’t care about that at all. Or what the science says.

Check out this article Top FDA Officials Concerned About Pressure to Authorize COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters: Emails

Here are the emails (126 page PDF) so you can see this for yourself.

It is about getting as many kids injected as soon as possible before people figure out how deadly the vaccines are.


The Epoch Times should be applauded for superb journalism, not censored. The examples above are excellent examples of well researched, important stories that will never be covered in any mainstream media..

The Epoch Times is the type of independent journalism that Twitter believes is unsafe for you to view. They are happy to collaborate with the CDC and White House to censor free speech.

We are suing Twitter in the meantime in California state court. It is unconstitutional for the federal government to collude with social media companies to censor free speech.

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