US Kellogg’s CEO Says Poor Families Should Eat Corn Flakes For Dinner
Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre
US Kellogg’s CEO Says Poor Families Should Eat Corn Flakes For Dinner.
US food processing giant Kellogg’s has drawn scorn on social media after recently suggesting that families with strained finances could cope by eating “cereal for dinner.”
Multimillionaire Gary Pilnick was excoriated on the internet, especially as cereal prices have risen 28% over the last four years.
“The cereal category has always been quite affordable, and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure,” Pilnick said amid a discussion about high grocery price.
This also comes after it was revealed that diners making less than $45,000 can no longer afford to eat McDonald’s.
As long as you don’t eat Cheerios with pesticides in it…
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