Is Climate Change Being Used by the Globalists to Introduce the Great Reset Totalitarian Agenda

Is Climate Change Being Used by the Globalists to Introduce the Great Reset Totalitarian Agenda

Facebook Post By Jamie McIntyre

Is Climate Change being used by the Globalists to introduce the Great Reset Totalitarian Agenda, where you’ll own nothing but be happy ( eating bugs and insects), banned from traveling, as only those billionaire elites who care for the environment so much, will be allowed to fly in their gas guggling private jets, to their favorite holiday destination? Where the ” useless meat eaters can’t go assuming they are not yet dead from the 52 safe injections over the last 36 months they had to get to leave their quarantine center which they have to walk from as there is no electricity to charge the not so climate-friendly electric car?
Just asking for a friend who is concerned that maybe we shouldn’t trust psychotic billionaire elites, who own our Governments and media who will own everything and probably not be sad.

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