More and More Sound the Warning of a Major Global Crash Coming Soon

More and More Sound the Warning of a Major Global Crash Coming Soon

By Health Ranger

Massive defaults coming. Getting more intel today from wealthy people connected to finance. All the super wealthy are translating EVERYTHING into physical assets now, swapping out stocks, bonds, treasuries, etc., for land, gold, silver, art, collectible guns, and more. They are in an all-out panic, I’m told.

Europe will be hit with a wave of energy-related defaults. Banks will fail. The Euro currency will fail, The spillover will severely damage the US economy, and Ed Dowd is saying the dollar will “fail UP” which means a super strong dollar being rammed into extreme global scarcity and plummeting consumer demand. This has NEVER been seen before. Not in all financial history.

This isn’t just a black swan or a superstorm. It’s a brigade of black swan suicide bombers about to plunge into a category 5 hurricane and a tidal wave and an earthquake, all rolled into one.

Prepare accordingly.

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