Rampant Voter Fraud Ahead of Election Day ’24
By Earth Justice League
Rampant #VoterFraud Ahead of Election Day ’24
“Voter Fraud” is as old as voting itself, and “#VotingMachines” have been designed to “Make Fraud Easier.”
#GaryBerntsen :
Veteran US Air Force and Former CIA Officer
“After witnessing election irregularities associated with the 2020 US Presidential Election, we decided to direct time and resources to #CartelDelSol links to US and #GlobalElectionFraud. It is indisputable.
#Smartmatic Election Systems was created at the direction of now deceased #Venezuelan dictator #HugoChavez and its source code, the basis of its operating system, developed jointly by Venezuela’s #Consejo National Electoral and Smartmatic, was designed to allow Election Results to be altered without the knowledge of voters and the public.”
#Colorado Secretary of State #JennaGriswold Leaking the Password of the State’s Voting Systems, after she was caught, she Refused Resign.
“#VotingMachineFraud is Old News. The New #ElectionFraud Tool is #NonCitizenVoters.”
While Supreme Court decided to allow Virginia to Remove Non Citizens from #VoterRolls, the poll workers are being instructed to submit a Special Form [A #ProvisionalBallot] for THEM to Vote, which will tie results up for another week after Election Day.
“Within November 5th to 12pm of November 12th, they have to present the Proper Identification to Prove that they’re US Citizen.”
Original source: https://t.me/EarthJusticeLeague/421