Russian State Media Ran a Cheeky Story About Sydney’s Freedom Rally Which Featured Craig Kelly
Russian State Media ran a cheeky story about Sydney’s Freedom Rally, which featured Craig Kelly.
Wait till the Australian MSM picks up on this tomorrow…
Australian MP Craig Kelly (center) with Semyon Boykov (left)
Soviet anthem sung at anti-government rally in Australia
An anti-government rally was held in Australia, where protesters waved Russian flags and sang the Soviet anthem.
Thousands of anti-government rallies were held in Sydney, Australia, at which some of the protesters came with Russian symbols: people waved Russian tricolors, black-yellow-white flags of the Russian Empire, and also held portraits of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the ataman of the Australian Cossacks Semyon Boikov, who was released the day before from prison.
“I was released from prison only 24 hours ago and immediately, as they say, from the ship to the ball,” Boikov told an EADaily correspondent . Thousands of Australians took to the streets in Sydney against the Australian government. People are shouting: ‘We demand the truth!’ Australians are speaking out against Western propaganda that is anti-Russian.”
At the rally, the floor was given to Semyon Boikov, who, judging by the video footage, spoke from an impromptu podium to the anthem of the Soviet Union.
“Australians supported my release, including the United Australia MP Craig Kelly . At the beginning of the Russian special operation to denazify Ukraine, he, like many Australians, expressed sympathy for Ukraine under the influence of Western propaganda. But over time, reading, among other things, our telegram channel “Aussie Cossack” (Aussie Cossack), I began to understand where the truth is, I began to perceive the Russian position. And today Kelly was photographed with Russian flags, with me and our youth with the letters Z and the St. George ribbon.
In his opinion, the step of the United Australia member will, of course, cause “great shock and resonance.”
“But in general, this reflects a noticeable change in the public opinion of Australians, who are beginning to understand that Russia is conducting a noble, worthy special operation and fighting evil, fighting not with Ukraine, but with a coalition of a number of countries that dream of historically enslaving Russia,” summed up Semyon Boikov, calling from the Green Continent: “Work, brothers! And neither prison nor sanctions will break us.”