The White House is Lying about Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

The White House is Lying about Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

By Ryan McBeth

All personnel in the National Command Authority are tracked 24 hours a day by the NMCC or National Military Command Center. The location of every single National Command Authority Figure is relayed every shift changed at the NMCC and this information is mirrored in the White House Situation Room.

Here’s what others had to say:

All personnel in the National Command Authority are tracked 24 hours a day by the NMCC or National Military Command Center. The location of every single National Command Authority Figure is relayed every shift changed at the NMCC and this information is mirrored in the White House Situation Room.

This man is what makes the modern internet world worthwhile…thanks Ryan

I’m a retired 9-1-1 dispatcher, and one thing that stood out to me about this video is whoever called 9-1-1 for Secretary Austin was requesting no lights and sirens. There’s really nothing unusual about that; people request that all the time. However, it’s the emergency first responders who decide if they want to respect that request or not. For safety reasons, they have to run lights and sirens so other motorists (hopefully) will respect that and pull over. They also have to run lights and sirens if they have to run through red lights and stop signs. It’s possible that the dispatchers who took and handled the call didn’t even know it was Secretary Austin unless the caller gave them that info. When the ambulance and medical responders are dispatched, the name of the patient wouldn’t go over the radio; just the patient’s age, gender, address of the incident, and the nature of the medical emergency and other info. Just though I add something people who have never worked 9-1-1 wouldn’t know. I’m also an Air Force Veteran (1977-1981) and I really find your channel very informative. Keep up the good work!

As a lowly E3 Seaman at my first duty station, an obscure NAVFAC, I was on duty (alone) as the gate guard one morning when an admiral drove in. I saluted, shook with the appropriate level of fear, welcomed him to the NAVFAC, and went back to my gate guard duty. I did not call the CO or the XO to let them know an admiral was on the base. That was not a good idea. I am sure that Captain Austin was promptly notified when SECDEF showed up in an ambulance.

So which is more likely:
1) The people who knew in the White House weren’t telling and the media person just flubbed the response instead of a “No Comment”
2) Something truly unusual happened and the communication team really should have stuck with “no comment” instead.

More likely, journalists simply kept calling to get his location and the staff they got a hold of either didn’t know themselves or wouldn’t disclose. So Journalists announce “no-one in the Whitehouse knows!”

It’s not just “mainstream” media who needs this kind of fact-checking. Independent news organizations who shared the same misinformation needs it too.

This is so interesting. I don’t understand how the media could even operate without a Ryan Mcbeth on their staff. I’ve recently found your channel and happy I did.

So basically someone junior in the whitehouse heard someone unimportant say “i don’t know where he’s been for days, no one will tell me”.
We had an employee who vanished for 2 weeks. Our bosses told us he’d be absent for “a while”. They choose to keep the fact he was having emergency heat surgery private until he got back and chose to tell us himself.
From our perspective, he’d vanished for days.

The question isn’t if “nobody” in the entire White House knew Austin’s location. It’s whether or not they decided it was important enough to inform President Biden. Often the term “White House” is used not for the entire building staff, but the president specifically.

I found it amusing when one early report described the President as “exasperated” regarding the supposed lack of knowledge regarding the SECDEF’s whereabouts. Any “exasperation” on the part of POTUS is solved, like yesterday!
Ryan is correct about this being an unbelievable story. It was pretty clumsy, and the miscreants need to be “sorted.”

This is the kind of reporting that truly sheds light on the topics that the US public has little information on, and points out what the public needs to know. Thank you.

Thanks for the sprinkle of common sense. That story sounds about as believable as if you asked the Secret Service about the president’s current location, and they answered, “Oh heck, no idea, he probably went for a stroll or something.”

That’s a Tom Clancy story line.
Secretary Austin ducks out on everybody, and with Mr Clark takes a submarine, a stealth airplane, parachutes and frogman’s in the most dramatic order. Goes into Russia to snatch Gerasimov who is also missing, all in the first fifteen minutes.
Thanks for the explanation.

Trust me, working in PR for a small but expensive gallery….trust me, reporters would write anything we would feed them, especially if we did the interview in a fairly nice restaurant with the gallery picking up the bill. Unlimited drinks, lots of laughter, free tickets so they could review the newest artist. Did they know anything about art? Before google, we had stories that could not be checked easily. Reporting is still hard, but I wonder if reporters. would explain to you how they do their jobs, and what sort of rules do they have with the White House, or military??

Thank you!!! This whole drama around Lloyd Austin’s illness is 100% BS in my opinion! The only thing to say about it is, I hope he’s OK, and getting the health care he needs, heals up fast and looking forward to his quick return to full form! He’s a great guy doing a great job, which is probably why people are lying about him. Probably all part of the effort to stop funding Ukraine.
It happened at the same time as that clueless Miller guy made that silly statement. But what bugs me is “spokesperson” who was like, yeah so we’re going to improve our communications to make sure people are informed. That was the point where I was like, OK so you admit 3 healthy people knew he was in the hospital. Yet you still throw shade as if he was supposed to tell other people too? I suppose you expect someone in an ambulance to hold a conference call? It’s all drama if you stop and think about it.

I was a command post controller during one of my Air Force assignments, and served at major command HQ staffs and geographic combatant command HQs too. It would take a conspiracy/collusion of the highest order to conceal a tracked individual’s location. Things can happen, like his aircraft diverted to an alternate location, or he didn’t feel well and left the event early. In those cases, there will be a short-term discrepancy in the tracker, but that auto-corrects.

Love the combination of facts, SOP(Command Authority required to know where people are) mixed with good old common sense(do we really think a military officer in charge of hospital would not check in on the sec def!) LOL, Ryan you are outstanding at what you do!

My understanding of the situation has always been that the Pentagon/DoD was well aware that he was hospitalized (after all he delegated authority to the Deputy Secretary) but no one communicated this information to the White House/Chief of Staff. But if what you say about the Situation Room mirroring the NMCC is true, then there was a breakdown in the chain of communication somewhere.


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