Want to See Tax Rates Plummet and Many Disappear and the Economies Boom for Everyone’s Benefit? Get Rid of the Rothschilds Central Bankers and Your Country Would Free Itself From Slavery

Want to See Tax Rates Plummet, Many Disappear, and the Economies Boom for Everyone’s Benefit? Get Rid of the Rothschild’s Central Bankers and Your Country Would Free Itself From Slavery

Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre

Want to see tax rates plummet and many disappear and the economies boom for everyone’s benefit?

Get rid of the Rothschild’s Central Bankers and your country would free itself from slavery.

Rothschild’s invented Income taxes and others to rape and pillage you and to repay nations’ debts they loan fake money to their Federal Reserve printing press.

But now it’s broken and nations like Russia and others have booted them and become economic powerhouses again, the Rothschilds’ control of the West is collapsing in real time.

