Who Benefits? Never Take Anything the Government Tells You at Face Value

Who Benefits? Never Take Anything the Government Tells You at Face Value

By Vigilant Fox

“In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the well-being of regular people.”

German MEP Christine Anderson: “Whenever the government claims to have the people’s interests at heart, you need to think again. In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the well-being of regular people.”

“Always question everything the government does or does not do. Always look for ulterior motives and always ask, ‘Cui bono?’ Who benefits?”


Original Source: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/06/who-benefits-never-take-anything-the-government-tells-you-at-face-value-video/ref/6/