Israel is DIGGING its Own Grave | Col. Larry Wilkerson & Jeffrey Sachs

Israel is DIGGING its Own Grave | Col. Larry Wilkerson & Jeffrey Sachs

By Dialogue Works

Here’s what others had to say:

The history books should never forget; The USA didn’t just stand back while the genocide happened in Gaza, it was an active player. The genocide could not be happening without the USA’s participation.

The world is a horrible place to live in under current leaders

Rejecting zionism and condemning Israeli war crimes is not antisemitic.

Not only does the US provide Israel with weapons, the bill is given to the American taxpayer.

Instead of arming Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness etc.

Lord save the world from this evil which will take the world to its end!

76 year long apartheid, 17 year long blockade of Gaza and now committing genocide. Pure evil

There can be no peace in the world until the American people are made to understand the trauma and suffering we have inflicted on the world. Unfortunately that will likely take a very long time given how arrogantly ignorant we are as a people.

Dr. Sachs, Thanks again for your honest and wise position to call out both Israeli and American governments on their brutality towards Palestinians and Syrians.

It seems to me that with a very few exceptions that American politics is run by very very wealthy people who treat politics as a hobby and playing monopoly with American peoples’ lives.

I like the biblical comment of the colonel about the Israelites from the Hebrew bible. When people, and most of all non-religious people like Netanyahu, use religious stories like Amalek for their own purposes, something is terribly wrong.

The empire will eventually need to call up troops drawn from the us public. That’s when support for the government will evaporate.

Dialog Works is an outstanding podcast. It offers a very intuitive host that stays on point and brings intelligent and informative guest to the world stage.

Throwing out there some much needed gratitude to you and your intelligent and thought provoking guests. They combine high intelligence with deep experience a combination that is too rare these days.

For Syria to fully recover, they will have to unite all the different factions, put aside all their differences and work towards getting back what is theirs. All the natural resources which was stolen. They don’t need western ”support”, who are responsible for the turmoil in that country in the first place.

Hothis want stop genocide gaza
But US England israel want continue war with hotis or dont stop war genocide

Colonel Wilkinson point a diffence between Israelis and Israelites, it would be very interesting if he was to expand more on the topic.


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