Why Don't the Elites Want to be Exposed to 5G? By Intel Slava Z The state of Florida has passed a law that allows wireless service providers to install 5G…
How Chat GPT will Destroy America! Must Watch By Insurrection Barbie Someone asked ChatGPT the following question: “ If you were Satan and you wanted to destroy America how would…
Meta’s ‘Smart Glasses’ Have a Security Flaw, It Can Access Your Data Now — Social Media By RT News A new app made by two Harvard students reveals a Meta…
Telegram Announced that Apple will Remove the Telegram App from their phones without their Joint Notice By David Avocado Wolfe BREAKING - Telegram announced that Apple will remove the Telegram…
The Stranded Starliner Astronauts Have Another Problem: NASA Says Boeing and SpaceX are Not Compatible By RT News Boeing and SpaceX chose vastly different design approaches, one can't simply be…